Home Entry Requirements Kyle College Entry Requirements

Kyle College Entry Requirements

Kyle College Entry Requirements

For admission to programmes of study at the Kyle College for any first degree, a student must have attained qualifications in the ZIMSEC / CAMBRIDGE examinations or equivalent as specified under special requirements.

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Kyle College General Entry Requirements

All applicants MUST have passed at least five subjects, including the English language at ‘O’ level and at least two ‘A-Level passes.

  • Passes in Biology and Mathematics at ‘O’ level are required in the department of Psychology.
  • For all other programmes, applicants should have done ‘O’ level Mathematics and attained a grade ‘E’ or better.
  • Typical offers for ZIMSEC A-Levels would be based on grades AAA at the principal level in relevant subjects.

English Language Requirements

If English is not your first language then any offer made is likely to include English language requirements. See which English language qualifications we accept on our English language requirements page.

  1. You’ll need an email address to complete the application.
  2. Zimbabwean applicants will need an ID number. Foreign applicants will need their passport numbers.
  3. Make sure your documents are scanned according to the guidelines.
  4. Your admission to Kyle College is dependent on you meeting the specific admission requirements for your chosen qualification.


Before Applying to The Kyle College There Are Important Things to Note:

  • Closing Dates: Do you know the Kyle College Applications Closing Dates? Simply Click Here
  • Online vs. Postage/Courier: Some universities use an online application system, while others only accept hard copies. Some offer both. Take this into account when starting the application process.
  • Supporting Documents: You’ll need your:
    • Certified copy of your ID
    • Parent’s/guardian’s ID
    • Exam results
    • Proof of residence
    • The most recent payslip NEVER sends the original documents.
  • Make Sure all Details are Correct: Fill in your application form slowly and double-check your details before submitting online. If you fill out a hardcopy, use a pencil before filling it out with a blue or black pen.
  • Pay the Application Fee: Make sure to pay the required amount by paying it at the bank or any required source. Never post it. Send the university proof of payment if it’s required.
  • Signing the Declaration: Read through the form and make sure your details are all true and correct. You AND your parent/ guardian need to sign it.
  • Acceptance: You will be sent a formal email or letter to inform you of your acceptance. Remember to continue working hard and pay the minimum initial payment by the due date.


Some Kyle College qualifications have limited spaces available. Meeting the general and/or specific admission requirements for a qualification does not guarantee that you will be offered a space for the 2022 academic year.


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