Home Education Courses What are the Courses Offered at ANU?

What are the Courses Offered at ANU?

What are the Courses Offered at ANU?

“Are you looking for the list of courses available at the Africa Nazarene University? Below we have the list available for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Masters, Certificate, Diploma, Distance Learning Programmes offered and more at the Africa Nazarene University (ANU).”

The ANU Courses & Programmes is obtained from the official ANU website, therefore this post is accurate.

Lists of Programmes offered at ANU

School of Religion and Christian Ministry

  •  Bachelor of Christian Ministry
  • Bachelor of Theology
  • Diploma in Christian Ministry
  • Certificate in Christian Ministry

School of Science and Technology

  • Bachelor of Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Science Environment and Natural Resource Management
  • Certificate in Computer Application Packages
  • Certificate in Information Technology
  • Cisco Certified Network Associate, level 1-4
  • Diploma in Agri-Business and Natural Resource Management
  • Diploma in Information Technology
  • Diploma in Mobile Computing
  • Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  •  Bachelor of Arts in Community Development
  • Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice & Security Studies
  • Bachelor of Arts in Peace and Conflict Studies
  • Bachelor of Education
  • Bachelor of Counseling Psychology
  • Bachelor of Mass Communication
  • Diploma in Community Development
  • Diploma in Counseling Psychology
  • Diploma in Criminology
  • Diploma in Peace & Conflict Studies
  • Certificate in Audio Production
  • Certificate in Peace and Conflict Studies

Business School

  •  Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of International Business Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Procurement and Supply Chain Management
  • Diploma in Business Administration
  • Diploma in Purchasing & Supply Chain Management
  • Executive Course in Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Certificate in Business Managemen


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