Home Education Courses What are the Courses Offered at AUC?

What are the Courses Offered at AUC?

What are the Courses Offered at AUC?

“Are you looking for the list of courses available at the University of Nairobi? Below we have the list available for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Masters, Certificate, Diploma, Distance Learning Programmes offered and more at the University of Nairobi (AUC).”

The AUC Courses & Programmes is obtained from the official AUC website, therefore this post is accurate.

Lists of Programmes offered at AUC

School of Health Sciences

  1. Bachelor of Science Medical Laboratory Sciences
  2. Bachelor of Science Medical Psychology
  3. Bachelor of Science Physical Therapy
  4. Bachelor of Science Environmental Health

School of Science, Technology and Engineering

  1. Bachelor of Science Microbiology
  2. Bachelor of Science Parasitology
  3. Bachelor of Science Computer Science
  4. Bachelor of Science Applied Statistics with Computing

School of Education and Social Sciences

  1. Bachelor of Education Science
  2. Bachelor of Education Arts
  3. Bachelor of Science Counseling Psychology
  4. Bachelor of Arts Community Development

School of Business, Economics and Human Development

  1. Bachelor of Hotel and Hospitality Management
  2. Bachelor of Business Management
  3. Bachelor of Science Communication and Public Relations
  4. Bachelor of Arts Economics


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