Home Job Vacancies DanChurchAid (DCA) Provision of E-voucher Services Consultancy Programme 2023

DanChurchAid (DCA) Provision of E-voucher Services Consultancy Programme 2023

DanChurchAid (DCA) Provision of E-voucher Services Consultancy Programme 2023

DanChurchAid’s aim is to strengthen the world’s poorest people in their struggle for a life of dignity. Our work is based on a Christian view of humanity with respect for every individual’s rights and equal worth. DanChurchAid is rooted in the Danish National Evangelical Lutheran Church, but is active wherever we find the need is highest, regardless of religion, gender, political beliefs, race, national or ethnic origins, handicaps or sexual orientation.

FAQs: “Danchurchaid DCA Vacancies, Danchurchaid DCA Jobs, Dan Church Aid Salary Scale, Dan Church Aid Vacancy, DCA Vacancies, DCA Internship, Danchurchaid Kenya Postal Address, DCA Kenya”

DanChurchAid (DCA) Programme Advert

  • Location: kenya
  • Company: DanChurchAid (DCA)
  • Closing Date : 9 June. 2023

Scope of Work

The consultant is expected to supply and disburse e-vouchers for the specified number of beneficiaries through an appropriate modality and ensure efficient management of all the processes involved in the delivery of the e-vouchers and inputs to the target beneficiaries including transaction management and reporting.This will include:

  1. Proposing to DCA the most appropriate e-voucher product that is suitable for the project participants considering the context of the project.
  2. Recommending to DCA the most appropriate modality for supply and disbursement of e-vouchers to the project participants.
  3. Production, supply and disbursement of the DCA approved e-vouchers to facilitate farm input acquisition by the project participants from the pre-qualified input vendors.
  4. Orientation of the DCA project staff and the pre-qualified input vendors on the implementation of the proposed e-voucher modality.


The consultant is expected to deliver the specified number of e-vouchers and ensure efficient management of all the related transactions. The deliverables for this assignment will be;

  1. E-vouchers supplied and disbursed to the 5,280 project participants.
  2. DCA project staff well oriented /inducted on the implementation of the proposed e-voucher modality.
  3. A report detailing all the e-voucher transactions undertaken by the service provider.

Time Frame

It is projected that the proposed assignment as highlighted above will be conducted in a phased approach between 15th June 2023 and 30th April 2024.

Minimum Standards and Mechanism for the transfer

  1. E-voucher Management System: Potential e-voucher service provider should demonstrate the ability of their systems to support e-voucher disbursements and management in a secure, efficient and reliable manner.
  2. Delivery Processes: The e-voucher service provider must ensure that the e-vouchers are delivered in the most convenient, timely and cost effective manner.
  3. Accountability and Transparency: The e-voucher service provider should facilitate accountability and transparency throughout the voucher disbursement and management providing regular transaction reports to DCA that will be used for monitoring.
  4. Safety and Security: The e-voucher service provider should demonstrate evidence of how their systems will deal with safety, privacy and security of the beneficiary data including all the e-voucher transactions.
  5. Dedicated Service: The e-voucher service provider should have a dedicated service focal point/person for DCA in the day to day and overall management of the e-voucher including responding to questions, troubleshooting and resolving any challenges within a reasonable timeframe, whenever they arise.
  6. Feedback Mechanism: The e-voucher service provider should have a system for proactive feedback sharing throughout the process.
  7. Internal Control and Fraud Prevention: The e-voucher service provider must have appropriate mechanism for internal control and fraud prevention in place and should be well elaborated in the proposal.

Organization and management of the assignment.

DCA will identify and mobilise all the target project beneficiaries and provide the funds required for the e-voucher transactions. In addition, DCA will bear the following responsibilities:

  1. Identify and mobilize the project team for induction/orientation on the proposed e-voucher system.
  2. Facilitate the service provider with the relevant beneficiary data taking into consideration the requirements for data protection.
  3. Identify the points of deliveries/sales and contract the input vendors/grovelers from within the project location.
  4. Create awareness on DCA’s feedback and complaints mechanism together with the anti-corruption policy.

Qualifications for the e-voucher Service Provider

  • Must be a recognized Kenyan legal entity with extensive experience in agricultural e-voucher interventions in the country.
  • Must have proven experience in administration and management of e-vouchers.
  • Must have a robust technological capacity to effectively and efficiently service the proposed number of beneficiairies with high degree of reliability and personal data security.
  • Adequate proven compliance with the industry statutory requirements in Kenya.

Structure of the Proposal and Submission Guidelines

All expressions of interest should include:

  1. Technical Proposal: Highlighting brief profile of the e-voucher service provider and evidence of previous experience in this kind of work, understanding of the TOR and the tasks to be accomplished including the proposed workplan and any evidence of a similar assignment.
  2. Financial Proposal: The financial proposal should provide cost for services to be rendered in the context of this TOR.

How to Apply DanChurchAid (DCA) kenya

Submit your CV, copies of relevant documents and Application to  procurementkenya@dca.dk


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