Home Education Courses What are the Courses Offered at Mukurweini TTI?

What are the Courses Offered at Mukurweini TTI?

What are the Courses Offered at Mukurweini TTI?

“Are you looking for the list of courses available at the Mukurweini Technical Training Institute? Below we have the list available for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Masters, Certificate, Diploma, Distance Learning Programmes offered and more at the Mukurweini Technical Training Institute (Mukurweini TTI).”

The Mukurweini TTI Courses & Programmes is obtained from the official Mukurweini TTI website, therefore this post is accurate.

Lists of Programmes offered at Mukurweini TTI

Certificate Courses

  • Certificate in Business Administration(Business Administration)
  • Certificate in Cooperative Management(Cooperative Management)
  • Certificate in Front Office Operations(Front Office Operations)
  • Certificate in Computerized Secretarial Studies(Computerized Secretarial)
  • Certified Public Accountant(CPA)
  • Certificate in Community Development and Social Work(Community Development)
  • Certificate in Banking and Finance(Banking and Finance)
  • Certificate in Library and Information Science(Library and Information Science)
  • Certificate in Project Management(Project Management)
  • Diploma in Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development(Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development)
  • Certificate in General Agriculture(General Agriculture)
  • Craft Certificate in Agricultural Mechanics(Agricultural Mechanics)
  • Craft Certificate in Supply Chain Management (Supply Chain Management)
  • Craft Certificate in Business Management(Business Management)
  • Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management(HRM)
  • Artisan Certificate in Storekeeping(Storekeeping)
  • Craft Certificate in Sales and Marketing(Sales and Marketing)
  • Artisan Certificate in Salesmanship(Salesmanship)
  • Craft Certificate in General Agriculture(General Agriculture)
  • Certificate in Stores Management(Stores Management)
  • Certificate in Book Keeping(Book Keeping)

Diploma Courses

  • Diploma in Human Resource Management(Human Resource Management)
  • Diploma in Supply Chain Management(Supply Chain Management)
  • Diploma in Computerized Secretarial Studies(Secretarial Studies)
  • Diploma in Business Administration(Business Administration)
  • Diploma in Business Management(Business Management)
  • Diploma in Marketing Management(Marketing Management)
  • Diploma in Entrepreneurial Development(Entrepreneurial Development)
  • Diploma in Maritime Transport and Logistics Management(Maritime Transport)
  • Diploma in Library and Information Science(Library and Information Science)
  • Diploma in Community Development and Social Work(Community Development and Social Work)
  • Diploma in banking and finance(banking and finance)
  • Diploma in Accountancy(Accounting)
  • Accounting Technician Diploma(ATD)
  • Diploma in Agricultural Engineering(Agricultural Engineering)
  • Diploma in Sales and Marketing(Sales and Marketing)
  • Diploma in Cooperative Management(Cooperative Management)
  • Diploma in Project Management(Project Management)
  • Diploma in Secretarial Studies(Secretarial Studies)
  • Diploma in General Agriculture(General Agriculture


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