Home Fees Payment Methods Walter Sisulu University Payment Methods and Banking Details

Walter Sisulu University Payment Methods and Banking Details

Walter Sisulu University Payment Methods and Banking Details

For your convenience, we have provided a variety of different payment methods available at the Walter Sisulu University (WSU).

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The following are table details ways to pay, payment channels, plus refunds and other information.

WSU Cash Payments Method

The University no longer accepts any cash payments at the cashier’s windows (for security reasons). Students are therefore requested not to attempt to make cash payments.

Also, Cheque Payments, Postal Orders and Telegraphic Postal Orders are no longer accepted as payment methods.


No cash should be paid to any University official. The University will not be held liable for any loss as a result of cash paid to University officials in contravention of this notice.

Bank Deposits and Electronic Funds Payments Method

Transfer Fees should be paid directly into the University bank account either by cash deposit or electronic funds transfer (EFT).

The Banking Details to Be Used Are:

  • Bank: FNB
  • Account Name: WSU Student Fees Account
  • Account Type: Current
  • Account No.: 52640012812
  • Branch Code: 210521
  • Recipient Ref: (Student number) – no spaces or extra characters


Failure to use the correct reference or make deposits into other University banking accounts will cause delays in the verification of payments made, and consequently, cause delays with financial clearance.

In the event that a student has made a payment with an incorrect reference or into the incorrect bank account, students are required to send proof of payment/deposit slips and student number to studentdeposits@wsu.ac.za.

Proof of Payment

The University does not accept proof of payments (bank deposit slips and ATM deposit slips) for financial clearance purposes to prevent fraud.

Proof of payment should be retained and may need to be used to verify receipt of funds if the designated bank account or a correct reference was not used.

Financial clearance will only be processed when the University has verified payments made.


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